
Use the alert components as you see fit to design versatile designs in Framer.

Alerts Primary

Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Alerts Secondary

Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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Some kind of alert!

This is an alert message that will be placed inside the body of this alert box. It is important to note that these alert boxes can contain any kind of messages, from informational to warning to success ones.

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